Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life Update

Lots of things have been going on in our lives. I have a new job at a new school. At my old (charter) school, I taught 1st and then 3rd. Now I am at a public school (Wahoo! A little more money!) teaching 1st. My school is title 1, and I’m not going to lie, it’s been rough. Sometimes I feel like I teach high schoolers with the attitude I get from them. I will say though, now that the year is coming to an end (very slowly, I might add), I can see how much growth they have made. All but 2 or 3 of my kids are at risk for not graduating. However, as far as 1st grade goes, all but 2 made it to the minimum reading level to move on to 2nd grade. And about half of my class is leaving slightly above where they should be. Only about 5 were on grade level at the start of the year. They have come so far. They still have a long way to go. I don’t know if they’ll all make it, but I sure tried my darnedest to teach them how. Next year, I’ll be at the same school teaching 1st grade GT (gifted and talented). I’m pretty excited, but a bit nervous too.

Zach has just completed his 1st year of law school. He dumped the retail job (not that he wanted that in the 1st place) and went back to school full time. He completed his 1st semester in the top 5% of his class. We are still waiting for his grades for the 2nd semester to be released. It will be a while... I couldn’t be more proud of him. He has put a lot of work in this, and it’s nice to see his hard work paying off. He has 2 more years to go. It’s going to be tough, but I know he’s going to make it. This summer, he is going to be interning with a judge and at a law office. He starts Monday with the judge, so we’ll see how this goes. It’s pretty difficult for a 1st year to find “work” over the summer. Even though he’s been busy studying and reading and reading and studying, we’ve actually gotten to spend more time together.  I have especially loved going to church with him every Sunday as opposed to once every 2 months. I know this may sound sappy, but spending time with him is my absolutely favorite thing to do.


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